
Remote Payments


Please make a transfer to the following account:

Account: SAS Telecom systems IBAN :

FR7614607000811682161154986 SWIFT / BIC :

 CCBPFRPPMAR Bank address : BPPC ,  AUBAGNE PIN VERT - 00081

Bank check payment

Please send your  check payment   to : Telecom systems , 350


 Chemin du Pré Neuf - 38350 LA MURE - FRANCE

The Cash Mandate

To transfer cash to an individual or to pay an invoice ,The Ordinary Cash Mandate allows you to transfer cash to a named beneficiary, either an individual or a company. Payment becomes  available the next day.

Phone: + 33 975129723

Email: contact@telecomsystems.uk


Address :The Business Centre, North Point House, North Point Business Park, Mallow Road,Cork,Ireland Postal code; T23 AT2P